Easy Chicken Rice

Whenever we went to Chinatown, our family would head to a spot downstairs that opened up into an underground foodcourt. It was always bustling with so many people.
You were immediately hit with incredible aromas of exotic dishes and the sounds of metal spatulas clanging against fiery woks. 

One of the dishes we always got was Hainanese Chicken Rice.
Steamed or roasted, however you like it, the comforting flavors of slow cooked chicken combined with broth, rice and dipping sauces has always brought me nostalgic comfort.

Even though I've made this dish from scratch before, the idea of making an easy version of this dish happened when I had very little time and energy, but still needed the slow cooked flavors of comforting goodness.


1 Rotisserie Chicken (traditional flavor)
Jasmine rice
Chicken Broth (1 carton)
Garlic (2-3 cloves)
Ginger (4-5 slices)
Cilantro (small handful)
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
1 Green Onion
Cucumber slices
Tomato slices

Dipping Sauces

Sauce 1
Green Chilies
Soy sauce
Broth (about a spoonful)

Sauce 2
Red Chilies
Broth (about a spoonful)

First, debone the chicken and place bones into a large pot.
(Set chicken meat aside)

Add Chicken broth, 2 garlic clove, a few ginger slices, white parts of green onion and stems of cilantro to the pot with bones and bring to boil.
Take a cup of the chicken broth at this point (making sure not to get other ingredients) and set aside for rice (directions for rice below).
Add soy sauce to taste and a dash of sesame oil.
Strain broth in serving bowl (discarding other ingredients) and garnish with either cilantro or green onion, or both.

Cook rice 1:1 rice to water.
Only in this case, switch out 1 cup of water with a cup of the reserved broth and add a quarter cup more water (no matter what the end amount ends up being, this helps during the evaporation process)

Dipping sauce 1
Slice green chilies and place into dipping bowl
pour in soy sauce and a spoonful of broth

Dipping sauce 2
Finely chop garlic and red chili and place into dipping bowl
pour in vinegar and a spoonful of broth

Plate up rice and chicken with cucumber and tomato slices and garnish. Serve with dipping sauces and broth and enjoy.


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